Changes to my study programme

 Hello everyone, today I will talk a little more about my studies in design and if I would like to make some changes to the curriculum. well, first I would like to tell you what my class subjects have been, during this semester I have had six classes, five are theory and one workshop, in my opinion I will not change the subjects for now thinking that the semester is already finishing and the classes have helped me to know in greater depth the industrial area of design,  which I want to follow in the coming years.

But in the following years I would like to start taking electives to know in an even more detailed way topics that I like in particular.

With regard to the workload at times it is more complex since most of the jobs come together and you can not dedicate the time you would like, so I would like that situation to be balanced a little more.

I think that the facilities of the university can be a bit old although that type of construction seems more interesting to me than a more modern one, although I would not be too bothered if it were to change at some point.

Finally, I like the teaching system, the professors understand us as students existing some professors who also studied at the same university not so long ago and know how to explain the subject clearly and with respect to technologies many of the same professors say that they could be better and it is hoped they can improve in the future.

And well that is all, I hope you are very well 



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