A country I would like to visit

Which country is it and why you want to go? 

I would like to go to Italy, because i like their customs and the architecture from their streets, i think is very incredible wich the streets maintains the old of their constructions and i like because in Santiago today you see modern buildings in everywhere, so in my opinion it a bit bored.

What do you know about it? 

Italy is a europe country with a expectacular gastronomy and one big particularity, being know them for their form, looking like a woman boot. i know that is ubicated above of the Mediterranean sea and also wich in this country borned the gladiators, fighting in the roman colosseum.

What would you like to do there?

I would like walk for the streets and see the architecture and desing of their buildings, visit some restaurante and eat tipical food, because i love it the spaghetti and pizza, is not to much, because i think the country have a mistic in special and you dont have to do much to enjoy it.

Would you like to study-work-live there?

I think yes, because i study design and Italy is a world powerhouse in this study, in addition to having everything I said before, it is a quiet country where to live and make one life.


  1. I would also like to visit Italy!! I agree that Italy is a country where they respect the heritage architecture

  2. Hi Jorge! I like Italy too, It´s a beautiful country and my favorite city is Rome. I traveled to the country in 2015 and I still hallucinate with everything I saw and ate there, it is definitely a country that everyone should visit and I hope you can visit it soon.


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