Blog post 2 Why did I choose my major ?

What was your dream job when you were a kid?

When I was a child I dreamed of going to space, so I think my dream job was to be an astronaut, since when I was little I went to the field where my grandparents lived where you could see the stars in great detail because there was no light pollution.

What other study options did you have? 

As a child I never considered what other study options I could have, in my case I was always very indecisive, even in my first decision about which study to enter, which caused me to leave my first choice and choose a second one. Anyway I always thought that it could be something related to art, because of my ability with drawing.

What made you decide on this specialty?

The specialty of my study I chose, because when I was little I liked crafts a lot and I also disarmed and assembled the toys to see how they were inside, I think all this led me to find something in which I could continue doing this.

How has your experience been at the university so far? 

So far it has been good, although because of the online classes I have not been able to have the university experience at all, I hope that this can change and thus be able to go to the university to use its facilities.


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