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English Language Challenges

 Hello everyone, today I will talk about my experience in the English class during this year, so to begin I would like to make some comments, I think the class has been good since at all times we were taken to practice and it was not too much theory which helps to try to understand in some way what is being written or read,  the same happens with blogs since it makes you try to write using everything you have learned before, I think my writing in English has improved and I have been able to learn to use new resources about the future, the past and the present that were previously more complicated for me. Anyway one of the things that I would like to improve is my pronunciation since many times I think that I say a word well but it is said in a totally different way, in any case I think it is something that can be improved, since there are some programs that tell you how similar you are pronouncing a word as it really should be done,  which I would like to use one day. Finally speaking

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